Once again, the greatest luck for us Europeans is that America exists. Donald J. Trump and JD Vance may not be world champions of good manners, but they make up for it with vision, courage, and determination.
These days, more than ever, Europe—the whole of it, including the United Kingdom—is demonstrating the extent to which manipulation by corporate media that are now largely unreliable has had devastating effects on public opinion. Not only governments and parliaments but also the people seem to have become incapable of recognizing the stupidity and inadequacy of Volodymyr Zelenskyy, as well as his madness and the fact that he has brought us to the brink of a Third World War by pursuing the impossible mission of winning an utterly unequal conflict.
Of course, it was Russia that invaded Ukraine, not the other way around. Of course, Vladimir Putin’s style of governance is far from what’s described in the best textbooks on liberal democratic theory and practice, but the same can easily be said of Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Moreover, as anyone who isn’t entirely a victim of the rampant propaganda in the West can see, the Ukrainian leader bears responsibility for countless and ongoing provocations, persecutions, and violence against Russian-speaking minorities within his country’s borders. And then there’s the (for Russia) unacceptable prospect of Ukraine potentially joining NATO, a possibility strongly supported by Zelenskyy and advocated by many European countries and NATO itself. And then there’s NATO’s Eastward expansion since 1997...
Anyone with normal intelligence and intellectual honesty should know that while Russia has its faults, Ukraine, the European Union, the United Kingdom, the Biden administration, and NATO also have theirs. But beyond all this, one fundamental fact remains: Zelenskyy seems to underestimate the potential cost of his extremism, encouraged by the aforementioned—a global conflict. What’s more, he gives the impression that that is exactly what he wants. And the same could be said of some countries in the old continent, with Northern Europe countries, France, and the United Kingdom leading the way. Only Italy and Hungary are exceptions, albeit with different nuances. And not just the governments and parliaments of these two countries, but also the people.
Italy, from this perspective, is a very particular case: with almost all media aligned with Zelenskyy, the people are largely very distrustful of the Ukrainian leader and see him as a warmonger, a madman, or at the very least a narcissist and a puppet serving colossal economic and financial interests. These days, it’s true, there are quite a few who did not appreciate the treatment he received from Trump and Vance, not to mention the media, which is 99 percent aligned with the supposed victim of the two “American bullies.” But this doesn’t lead most people to change their overall opinion about the Ukrainian leader.
Yet, what’s absolutely striking is that the rest of Europe
is with Zelenskyy—mind you, not just with Ukraine, which is entirely
understandable, but precisely with its leader. What to say? For one thing,
someone should explain to them that looking at the history, even the recent
history of Ukraine, it is clear that many Ukrainians hate Russia for flaws and
faults that they themselves are deeply affected by. Why, then, should we ever
get involved in their squabbles? And
why should we even take on such a risky move for the entire West and the world,
like picking a fight with the world’s second strongest military power,
especially one with a massive nuclear arsenal? When you really think about it,
nothing in this mess suggests that Good and Evil are so black and white that we
have to pick a drastic side. You can’t side with Russia, the invader, but you
also can’t fully side with Ukraine, the invaded, given the history and the
bigger geopolitical picture.
When you think about it, the only ones who seem to have perfectly grasped the core of the entire issue are President Trump and Vice President Vance, who are working hard to bring an end to the Russo-Ukrainian slaughter without being influenced by the Zeitgeist. And so, once again, the greatest luck for Europeans is the fact that America exists. In this case, of course, not the America of Obama and Biden, but the America of Donald J. Trump and JD Vance. They may not be world champions of good manners, but they make up for it with vision, courage, and determination.
Once again, in short, it will be up to the Americans to get
old Europe out of trouble. There’s a bittersweet quote attributed to Winston
Churchill that fits this situation well: “Americans can always be trusted to do
the right thing, once all other possibilities have been exhausted.” The other
possibilities, of course, had already been tried by Biden’s America.